Gill Costume

Double chin is an enemy that can attack, no matter if you're fat or thin. As an obese person can be a double chin grow as a person who suddenly loses a lot of weight. However, any kind of person is likely to double chin. Chin, his whole appearance, no matter how different they are. And yes, although it may be an impossible task, moreover, does not seem to lose hope. Is there a solution to every problem, especially in this era of fashion. So even ifyou can not go for plastic surgery to hide the double chin, if not eliminated. You can still feel like a normal, thin neck and chin.

There are some very effective tricks to help create the illusion of a double chin fairing. First, remember that your hair is very important to divert attention of people who contribute to the chin. And that's exactly what to do! Attempts to cut short hair, preferably in layers.Layers is the need to remove the head of his hair, which is above the neck (thank you cut your hair!). It might be high for some head of hair to continue to provide the impression of a long neck to decide.

The next round is applied makeup. Try to highlight cheeks and eyes for the application of makeup. This work, turn on the very principle of drawing the eye to a level higher than the neck, which helps to hide the double chin. The EyeMakeup should be pretty reliable. This requires the eyebrows are well formed and maintained, the shade of eyeshadow, and adopt a non-dramatic style to apply eyeliner. And to complete the membership generous coat of mascara on the lashes.

But if you highlight the cheek, then go ahead and do a bit, but be careful not to emphasize the eyes, in this case, you decide. If you select the cheeks, then apply mascara only to yourThe form, nothing more. Apply bronzing powder under the chin along the jaw line. Use bright colors. It has a shadow effect and makes the chin look thinner. Use a bit 'of a tan on the forehead and nose.

Her dress is very important to try to hide his double chin. Investing in the top that are not high or medium-high collar. Meanwhile, the caps that go well beyond the end of the neck is centered, whether the focus is on your chin neck9and) region. You can tryPlates with V-neck or U-shaped neck rolls highest is also a good choice.

Here are the accessories. Avoid slopes that end near his chin. tight collars and scarves are also a strict no-no. But you can use the scarf around the neck, ears, neck and hang the pieces remaining in the vicinity of the chin.